And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth. --- Micah 5:4
Friday, May 6, 2011
There is something great in store for you today!
If you are currently facing financial predicaments, let it not affect your willingness or a compassionate heart to share whatever you have. Big or small, it can change the lives of those who are in dire need of help.
In the eyes of the Lord, there is no such thing as scarce or limited resources.
Jesus knew that the apostles only have so little to feed a multitude of people yet He posed such a question to test them. They were too much focused on the limited resources available to them and have completely forgotten that they are with the Lord who has everything at the palm of His hands.
In dealing with the realities of life, know that Jesus is with you all the way!
Walk in faith and not by sight. There is nothing impossible with God who always works for good to those who love Him.
Give thanks to whatever you have and pray for God's blessing to multiply them so that you can share more for the praise and glory of His Name.
Father in heaven, you are the God of miracles who makes all things possible!
Place in me a compassionate heart to share whatever I have to the poor and the needy. Let not my present financial predicaments hinder me from doing your will. Multiply all that I have so that others will benefit from them as well.
There is nothing I could offer that does not belong to you. With humility of heart, I offer my praise and thanksgiving for all the good things that you have done.
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.